Jan 5, 2012

Books on my list to review...

Alright I thought I would give a list of books that I am currently reading and books that I have in line to read.

Reading Now -

- Bad Radio (The Emergent Earth) by Michael Langlois
- Walker by Michael Langlois

Next In Line -

- Guns of Seneca 6 by Bernard Schaffer
- Wanted by Jason Halstead
- Space Punk by C. E. Lange
- The Color of Night by Jack Thomas
- The Awakened by Jason Tesar
- City in a Bottle by Alex Patterson
- The Academy by Zachary Rawlins
- The Chronological Man: The Monster in the Mist by Andrew Mayne
- The Rexrider by Mark C. Angel

I have recently gotten into reading book from unknown and/or self published writers, and Amazon has been a great resource for finding these books. I got all of these on Amazon for my Kindle for a dollar or less. Let me know if you want me to read a specific book next to review!

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